1. The Guardian(《卫报》是英国的全国性综合内容日报。它是一张自由民主派的报纸,读者多是知识界和年轻人。在欧洲知识界,《卫报》的影响力超过了任何一张报纸。)

There have been some critical comments. Chai and her husband were well-off enough for her to have given birth in the US and some commenters accused her of hypocrisy. 有一些人在批评。说柴静是有钱人,可以在美国生孩子。她是个虚伪的人。
But most have welcomed her initiative in producing the documentary with her own money. 但大多数人都是对其自费拍摄该纪录片的动机表示支持。
The new minister of environmental protection, Chen Jining, praised the video. 新任环保部部长陈吉宁对视频表示赞赏。
Chen said he had already watched the documentary and sent a text message to Chai to thank her for raising public attention towards environmental issues, according to Chinese media reports. 据媒体报道,陈说他看了纪录片,并给柴静发信息表示感谢。感谢她引起了公众对环保问题的关注。 2. 在BBC的网站上,我们看到这篇相关文章。

文章很大篇幅在讲呈现给大家的片子是怎么样出来的,提到一些采访和剪辑的细节。比如: The original documentary was four hours long but another collaborator, tech entrepreneur Luo Yonghao, told her to cut it down to its current 103-minute length, the CCTV sources said. 据CCTV消息,这部纪录片原本长达4个多小时。不过罗永浩告诉柴静需